Grants and Scholarships are Now Open!
The ASSP Long Beach Chapter is excited to offer grant and scholarship opportunities for members during the 2024/2025 term. This year, we are providing the following:
- Two $750 scholarships for any class at the CSUDH OSHA Outreach Training Institute
- *CSUDH will match another course for each scholarship*
- One $500 scholarship for a student enrolled in a safety-related degree program
- Two $500 grants for BCSP certification (exam prep or exam fees)
- Two $1,000 grants for attending the ASSP Professional Development Conference (PDC)
Application Period: March 1 – April 30, 2025 To submit your application, visit Grants and Scholarship Application Form for Professionals or Scholarship Application Form for Students.
Member Safety Certification / OSHA Study Group Survey
Please complete this survey to help the Long Beach ASSP Executive Committee (EC) determine which study groups and OSHA courses are of interest to members.
Long Beach Chapter Achievements
On Thursday, January 23, 2025, the Long Beach Chapter of the ASSP hosted a special celebration to mark two significant achievements: the chapter’s membership in the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce and its first-time designation as a Platinum Chapter for the 2023/2024 term.
- Pictured L to R: Calvin Pierre (Treasurer), Mayra Ramirez (Program Chair), Chris Rainwater (Past-President), Christopher J. Lopez (Community Development Deputy with Representative Garcia’s Office, Luis Ortiz (President), Krizia Jurczyk (Government Affairs Chair), and Kaye Horton (WISE Chair)
- Pictured L to R: Mayra Ramirez (Program Chair), Calvin Pierre (Treasurer), Chris Rainwater (Past-President), Luis Ortiz (President), Krizia Jurczyk (Government Affairs Chair), and Kaye Horton (WISE Chair)
2025-2026 Nomination Ballot
It’s time to select the leaders who will take us into the next term, which begins on July 1, 2025 and ends on June 30, 2026. An Election Ballot, based on your nominations here, will be sent to all members in April 2025.
As a reminder, the current Vice-President automatically becomes the President and therefore the office of “President” does not appear on the ballots. Please remember also that nominating an individual does not compel them to run/serve, so be sure they’re willing to serve before nominating. Self-nominations are always accepted! The President will be Allyson Clark as the current VP automatically becomes President under our chapter bylaws. However, all other positions are open!
Please take 30 seconds NOW to nominate or self-nominate using the easy form below.
Holiday Gathering
31 Long Beach Chapter members and guests enjoyed a fun and festive Holiday Gathering on 13 December 2024. This was the second annual holiday event and, like last year, was held at the amazing La Traviata Italian Restaurant. Everyone enjoyed some great food and drink, tons of laughter, and door prizes. Three Past-Presidents (Chris Rainwater, Karen Townsend, and Jed Douglas) joined current Chapter President, Luis Ortiz, as the chapter once again celebrated this wonderful time of year. For those who missed the event, there’s always next year!