Chapter News

Chapter Welcomes New Vice-President Elect

The Chapter is extremely excited to welcome Mr. Luis Ortiz as its Vice-President Elect for the 23-24 term. As Vice-President, Mr. Ortiz will automatically become President for the 24-25 term which commences 1 July 2024.

Mr. Ortiz is the President and Founder of Safety First Management, LLC.  Luis holds both a B.S. and Master’s degree in Occupational Environmental, Health & Safety.  Luis is also an instructor at the CSUDH OSHA Training Institute Education Center teaching various OSHA courses. He is also a Federal and CAL OSHA 10/30-hour trainer.

The Long Beach Chapter of the ASSP is fortunate to have Mr. Ortiz, and we invite you to reach out to him with any suggestions you have on the chapter! Welcome, Luis!

Chapter Welcomes New Officer

At its May 18th Boat Tour of the Port of Los Angles and the subsequent meeting of the Executive Committee, President-Elect Chris Rainwater introduced Mr. Calvin Pierre, the Chapter’s newest officer. Mr. Pierre will serve as the Awards and Honors Chair – a vital position on the Executive Committee. Mr. Pierre is currently serving as the Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) for ATW Construction, Inc. Please reach out to Mr. Pierre and welcome him to the Chapter!

Members Tour Port of Los Angeles

On May 18, 2023, members of the Long Beach Chapter of the ASSP were provided a detailed boat tour of the Port of Long Beach. The Port of Los Angeles, known as “America’s Port,” is the nation’s premier gateway for international commerce and the busiest seaport in the Western Hemisphere. Located in San Pedro Bay, 25 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, the Port encompasses 7,500 acres of land and water along 43 miles of waterfront.

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Chapter President and President Elect Attend Region 1 ROC

The Region 1 Operating Committee (ROC) meeting was held in Portland, Oregon 20-21 April, 2023. Long Beach Chapter President Karen Townsend and President-Elect Chris Rainwater represented the Long Beach Chapter at the meeting. Members received important updates on financial issues, awards and honors, and technology/communication changes. Members discussed a wide array of issues and each chapter within Region 1 provided reports on their activities.

Members discussed the timing and location of the next ROC meeting (Fall 2023) which is tentatively scheduled for September 2023 in San Francisco. Stay tuned for additional information.

Members in Action – Call for Photos

Each and every one of you do amazing work as safety professionals. Now, for the first time, we want to feature our members “in action” as they enhance the safety profession in a million different ways.

Many of you work in the private sector in a myriad of professions — from healthcare to warehouses and construction to aviation. Still others of you work in the public sector, bringing your expertise to local, state, and federal government agencies. It is no exaggeration to say that our membership represents a huge swath of the safety profession with incredible depth and experience!

We are asking all members to submit a photo of you “in action” as a safety professional. Perhaps you were teaching a class, performing an inspection, attending a conference… share it! Simply send your photos, along with a brief caption explaining the photo, to The photos will be uploaded to our Chapter website in a brand new page called “Members in Action!”

If you have any questions, please email Chapter VP Chris Rainwater at the email address shown above or call him at 970-301-9434. Let’s send in those photos today!