ASSP Long Beach Chapter

In 2021, at the height of the Covid pandemic, then Chapter President Jed Douglas contacted me to see if I’d be interested in serving on the EC. “You’ve been nominated…,” he stated. Honored, I accepted a role on the Long Beach Chapter EC. It turns out that the only person who knew my name was Jed Douglas, but that’s another story!
The truth is, serving this Chapter on the EC, first as Program Chair and Member Chair in 2021, then as Vice-President in 2022, and now as your Chapter President has been an incredibly rewarding experience. In fact, I want to take a page from Jed’s playbook and tell you all what he told me—you’re nominated to serve!
In the coming months, and in accordance with the ASSP and Long Beach ASSP by-laws, we will begin the annual process of electing members to the Executive Committee. Only a few of the positions are elected (Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary), and the remaining positions are appointed. Because the Vice-President automatically becomes the President for the following term, members are electing their future President when they cast their votes for Vice-President.
Read More→2023 Safety Professional of the Year Award (SPY)

The Executive Committee is proud to announce its selection for 2023 Long Beach Chapter Safety Professional of the Year. This year’s award goes to the one and only Thomas (Tom) Butler.
Tom is a founding member of the Long Beach Chapter, and he has been a member of ASSP (previously ASSE) since 1975. In a long and storied career, Tom has achieved a great many things as he strove to improve the safety profession and give back to this professional community.
Tom’s many years of service to the Long Beach Chapter, including through the long Covid pandemic, ensured that this chapter not only survived but thrived. Tom served as Chapter Presi-dent in 1994, 2009, and 2012. In be-tween those stints as President, Tom served in a variety of other officer roles, always working hard to make the Chapter successful.
Read More→Chapter President Presents at Education & Networking Session
At the 21 September 2023 Education & Networking Session held at CSUDH, Chapter President Chris Rainwater presented on “From Safety Police to Safety Culture: The Transformation of Effective Safety Management.” The informative session was offered both in-person and virtually. Those attending in person received a complimentary lunch. The session was recorded, and a link will be provided on the Chapter web site. All who attended are reminded to log in and claim your CEUs!
Read More→Safety Hero vs. Safety Management
Always a great speaker, Long Beach Chapter Vice-President Luis Ortiz did a great job presenting “Safety Hero vs. Safety Management” at the Education and Networking Session held at CSUDH on August 17, 2023. The session focused on the importance of ensuring that safety is never the job of a single safety professional but is, instead, the job of all.
Read More→Army Corps of Engineers/Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury Center Project