2025-2026 Nomination Ballot

It’s time to select the leaders who will take us into the next term, which begins on July 1, 2025 and ends on June 30, 2026. An Election Ballot, based on your nominations here, will be sent to all members in April 2025.

As a reminder, the current Vice-President automatically becomes the President and therefore the office of “President” does not appear on the ballots. Please remember also that nominating an individual does not compel them to run/serve, so be sure they’re willing to serve before nominating. Self-nominations are always accepted! The President will be Allyson Clark as the current VP automatically becomes President under our chapter bylaws. However, all other positions are open!

Please take 30 seconds NOW to nominate or self-nominate using the easy form below.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    For the position of Vice-President, Long Beach Chapter of the ASSP for the 25/26 Term, I nominate the following individual (please type "none" if you are not nominating for this position). (required)

    For the position of Secretary , Long Beach Chapter of the ASSP for the 25/26 Term, I nominate the following individual
    (please type "none" if you are not nominating for this position). (required)

    For the position of Treasurer, Long Beach Chapter of the ASSP for the 25/26 Term, I nominate the following individual
    (please type "none" if you are not nominating for this position). (required)

    I'd like to volunteer in the Chapter in the following roles. (required)
    Newsletter EditorMembership ChairWomen in Safety Excellence (WISE) ChairProgram ChairSocial Media ChairGovernment Affairs ChairProfessional Development ChairGrants & Scholarships ChairAwards & Honors ChairNoneOther

    If other, please indicated which roles